

  • 7
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 北京市 石景山区 鲁谷街道 永乐西小区北社区 北京市石景山区万达广场D座7层
  • 姓名: 原敏慧
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定



  • 所属行业:展会 活动策划
  • 发布日期:2020-01-15
  • 阅读量:286
  • 价格:12800.00 元/个 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:9999.00 个
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:北京石景山鲁谷永乐西小区北社区  
  • 关键词:报名深圳美博会门票


    印刷品类型 宣传形式 发行量 规格 价格 备注
    展前新品预告 提前两周派发给VIP买家、预登记买家及行业内的买家 1万 280 x 160 mm 封2(1P) 4000元
    封3(1P) 2800元
    内页(1P) 1000元
    参观指南 展会现场派发 2万 280 x 160 mm 封2(1P) 6000元
    封3(1P) 4000元
    内页(1P) 2000元
    门票 展前邮寄、展会现场派发 2万 180 x 80 mm 少见赞助 10000元
    胸牌 展会现场派发 2万 85 x 120mm 少见赞助 10000元


    中国香化协会广泛开展和地区间交流与合作,已成为日用香料协会(IFRA)、食用香料工业组织(IOFI)的成员;代表中国化妆品行业加入化妆品监管合作组织(ICCR)行业执委会,参与ICCR的相关工作及活动;参与化妆品协会组织(IAC)的相关活动。先后与美国个人护理产品协会(PCPC)、欧盟化妆品协会(CE)、日本香料工业会(JFFMA)、日本化妆品工业联合会(JCIA)、韩国化妆品协会(KCA)、欧洲化妆品原料协会(EFfCI)、德国化妆品盥洗用品香水和洗涤用品协会(IKW)、澳大利亚卫生化妆品和特殊产品工业组织(Accord)、加拿大化妆品盥洗用品和香水协会(CCTFA)、意大利化妆品协会(Cosmetica Italian)、精油和香料贸易联合会(IFEAT)、闽台化妆品科技学会、闽台*香料协会、中国香港化妆品同业会等三十余家协会建立了联系,有的签订了友好交流与合作协议,并多次进行互访、交流。通过与或地区行业组织间的密切交流合作,不仅进一步扩大了其社会影响力,更推动了香料香精、化妆品行业的提质升级,引导了行业相关企业在产品品种、品质、等方面攻坚发力,加快中国制造从低成本竞争优势向高质量、高适应性优势转变。
    China Association of Fragrance Flavour and Cosmetic Industries (CAFFCI) was founded on August 21 1984. It is an industrial association at national level with an independent corporation status, approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China. At present, CAFFCI, a nonprofit social organization, is comprised of more than 1200 members, most of which are enterprises and institutions involved in the production of raw materials & products, packaging, equipment design & production and R&D of fragrances flavour and cosmetics.
    CAFFCI actively promotes the development of flavor and cosmetics industry, and strengthens the informatization construction of the industry. At the same time, it has nurturing and building industrial clusters and distinctive regions, promoting brand building and improving the overall technology level in the spice and fragrance industry.

    深圳美博会的展会亮点(Features and highlights of the exhibition):
    High-end:The Excellent Beauty Expo of the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area"
    Four major theme exhibition areas and more than ten professional forum activities to explore the development trend of the industry.
    Innovation: Service Innovation: Professional publicity and promotion plan, hundreds of media cooperation, organization of all channels of professional buyers.
    Brand: Famous brands gather, covering the whole industry chain of daily chemical line, beauty salon line, production supply chain line, medical cosmetics and imported cosmetics.
    International: Overseas exhibition groups and global buyers gather in Shenzhen.

    深圳美博会的参展费用(Exhibition Fee):
    Booth Type 旗舰展位Flagship Booth 旗舰展位Flagship Corner Booth 空地(36㎡起租)Raw Space

    Domestic Fees RMB 14800.00 元/9m2 RMB 16800.00 元/9m2 RMB 1500 元/m2
    Oversea Fees USD 2500.00 /9m2 USD 3000.00 /9m2 USD 215.00 /m2

    深圳美博会的参展要求有哪些?(Exhibition Requirements):
    Business license with legal personality of enterprise; Business license of commodity inspection and hygiene license for imported cosmetics; Manufacturer has production license and hygiene license; Fake and inferior products and cosmetic irrelevant products are not allowed to be operated, otherwise the consequences will be borne by oneself.

    深圳美博会主办单位介绍(About CAFFCI):

    Shenzhen Meiboya International Exhibition Co., a directly affiliated company of Shandong Meibo International Culture Communication Co.,Ltd ( Hereinafter refer as MOBO International). As a professional brand maker and comprehensive service organization in China’s beauty and cosmetics industry, it is dedicated to providing diversified services for customers in the fields of exhibitions, conferences,forums,education and new media and so on. In September 20,2017, it was officially voted a member of the UFI through the vote of the UFI Committee. In the past 19 years, China Beauty Expo Series have been covering 9 prosperous cities of China including Beijing, Qingdao, Ji’nan, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Kunming, Taiyuan, Xiamen and Shenzhen for more than 140 editions. The major business of MOBO International includes MOBO Online, MOBO Big Data, MOBO Business School, China Touring Beauty Culture Festival, and China Beauty Industry Prefecture-level Merchants Association.
    MOBO International, an exclusive platform, came into being for the beauty industry. From the perspective of globalization and the whole industry, we sincerely create a valuable platform for our customers.

    欢迎来到北京美博环球文化传播有限公司网站, 具体地址是北京市石景山区鲁谷街道北京市石景山区万达广场D座7层,联系人是原敏慧。 主要经营武汉美容化妆品展览会:武汉美博会4月26-28日 济南美容化妆品展览会:济南美博会5月7-9日 青岛美容化妆品展览会:青岛美博会6月9-11日 昆明美容化妆品展览会:昆明美博会6月23-25日 。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 我们一直秉承品质、服务和价值理念,相信高效的团队,优质的服务,是您较好的选择!日益前行与发展中的我们将是您不错的合作伙伴!公司主营青岛济南美博会,郑州武汉美博会,*,如有需要,欢迎来电咨询!